Privacy is in the headlines again, but this time it’s not spy agencies that have been snooping on phones, but opportunistic hackers. Over the last few days, a large number of celebrity photo leaks have resulted in one of the most public instances of privacy violation. Even when protecting your data by storing it off-site, there are risks – it can only not happen to famous celebrity, but also you!
The best way to protect your data when it’s stored off site is with private key encryption. Private keys, as opposed to public/default keys, are unique identifiers that you select to encrypt your data. When the data is encrypted with private keys, no one but the keyholder has the ability to unlock the data. Think of it like storing a safe in a bank vault. That way, even if the bank gets robbed, they can’t open up your safe.
As a reminder to all of our IDrive users and new customers, IDrive offers private key encryption in addition to your password, with private key you will be the only one having the access to your data. Not even IDrive employees can access your files, this is the ultimate level of protection from prying eyes. You can learn more about our encryption process here.
Even more important is mobile protection – and IDrive has that covered as well. IDrive is one of the only services that allows you to securely upload your photos, videos, contacts, and more – and have the same 256-bit AES private key encryption. With private key encryption, your data stays yours.
Private key encryption is available for no extra cost and can be selected when accessing your IDrive account for the first time.
Photo courtesy Vera Kratochvil