The 4th Annual TechCrunch August Capital Summer Outting and TechCrunch Real-Time Stream CrunchUp was a huge success for IDrive Online Backup. We had a chance to meet and listen to in-depth discussion panels from major industry leaders in the Real-Time space, such as the founders of Twitter, Facebook and FriendFeed, among many others. With the emergence of so many “Cloud” and “Real-Time” technologies and companies, there is a tremendous and ever-growing need for Secure, Reliable Online Backup. Below are a few pictures from our TechCrunch trip.
Robert Haines (Business Development Manager, IDrive Online Backup) and Michael Arrington (Founder, TechCrunch)
Robert Haines (Biz Dev Mgr, IDrive Online Backup) and Katie J. (Intern, IDrive Online Backup)