Mashable Chooses IDrive as the Best Cloud Backup Service for all your Backup Needs

With businesses working remotely, needing to store large amounts of critical data and have it be accessible from anywhere, there’s never been a busier time for cloud-based storage services, as Mashable points out in their most recent round up of the best cloud storage services that let users backup, share, and collaborate.

There are so many cloud storage options out there, making it difficult to choose which one fits your needs. There are many things to consider like whether you just need a secure place to leave your files or you need collaboration tools, does the service have file size limits, how much storage capacity is being offered, and much more.

Mashable’s recent cloud storage service rankings should help make this an easier decision, choosing IDrive as the best service for all backup needs. 

According to the review, “IDrive is like a checklist of everything most people could want from a cloud storage service.”

The overall amount of features that IDrive offers is what made us stand out from the rest, along with being incredibly fast and simple. Also offering top of the line security, IDrive gives you peace of mind that your files are secure at all times.

Apart from the 5TB and 10TB personal plans which allow for one user, IDrive offers Business and Enterprise plans that allow for unlimited amounts of users, making it the perfect solution for organizations of all sizes to secure all of your essential data and have it ready to be restored in case disaster strikes.

Thanks to Mashable for the review!