It’s time again to file your taxes! You may be filing them yourself with a service like TurboTax, or you may go through a tax accountant. Either way you will likely be storing these critical documents on your computers and other devices, which makes keeping track of them convenient, but not necessarily secure. We’re here to help with a few tips about protecting your tax files, and the personal information on them, using IDrive’s cloud backup solution.
Remember, TurboTax Has Stopped Offering Cloud Backup
For those who are desktop users of the tax preparation software TurboTax, we’re reminding you to backup your tax returns since the service dropped its cloud backup functionality last year. To fill the security hole, IDrive has the ability to store your tax returns so you can keep your data secure this tax season. With IDrive, you can restore your tax files from the cloud if the computer or device on which they’re stored fails, as well as keep your data secure from online theft.
Stops Identity Theft In Its Tracks
Today the same technology that makes tasks like filing a tax return a breeze can leave your critical data vulnerable to online theft. Frauds have found irresistible prey in taxpayers, whose social security numbers and financial information can be scraped from the databases of the tax services they use. And these guys aren’t amateurs. Just last spring, the personal information of 100,000 taxpayers was heisted by what officials believed to be an organized crime syndicate.
To keep your tax files secure, IDrive shields your data with military grade encryption that will slam the door on the faces of criminals nosing around in your data. For an added layer of protection, you have a Private Key Encryption option that ensures only you have the unique key code that unlocks the encryption protecting your files.
Recover Tax Files After Any Disaster
Computers are vulnerable. They can crash. They can be stolen. And as Steve Jobs famously told a customer whose MacBook Pro was destroyed by a spill, “they don’t like water.” The great thing about IDrive’s backup solution is no matter what happens to your computer, you’ll have an extra copy of the data stored safely in the cloud. With IDrive, you can access your tax returns from any device, including PC, Mac, iOS, and Android, making filing them even more convenient. And did we mention we charge one price for every device, saving you tons of money?
This tax season, don’t forget to protect your personal information. Sign up for IDrive here to start backing up your critical tax files today!