Keep it in the family with IDrive next week at RootsTech 2016, a leading genealogy event focused on ways of researching, documenting, and preserving family history. We’ll be showcasing our award-winning backup solution, which can help genealogists protect the family trees they work so hard to build.
How does online backup keep your family history secure and accessible for years to come? The answer lies in keeping your files offsite in case something happens to your hard drive. If the computer you store your family trees, old photos, birth records, or family videos on crashes, gets stolen, or destroyed, you can simply restore your files from the IDrive cloud to your new computer.
IDrive also keeps your files secure under lock and key with 256-bit AES encryption, as well as private key encryption, so no one can gain access to your personal data.
Want to learn more? RootsTech 2016 takes place in Salt Lake City, February 3-6. There will be keynote speakers, classes, entertainment, and of course, us! Come visit our team at Booth #1522 to find out how IDrive can help you keep your data secure.