You’ve probably heard that Microsoft launched Windows 10 this week at absolutely no cost to users upgrading from Windows 7 or 8. Since this uncharacteristic freebie is likely to draw a lot of people into trying out Microsoft’s latest OS adventure, and given the lukewarm response that the public had to Windows 8’s attempt to merge their OS into a one-size-fits-all experience, we wanted to remind everyone to backup their important data before they make the move to Windows 10.
Software updates are one of life’s simple pleasures, but they can also go haywire, crashing your system with blue screens of death, black screens, and infinite reboot loops, not to mention the risk of a crash after installation. (Windows 10 had a crash-bug just days before its launch). That’s why it’s smart to backup your computer beforehand so your data is safe in the cloud if your hard drive suddenly crashes.
With IDrive, you can backup your videos, photos, and other important data so you can get started installing Windows 10 as quickly and securely as possible.
Backup Everything Easy
We know, we know. Backing up your whole computer sounds like a pain. But IDrive makes backups simple with customizable backup sets. You can set up a full backup of your important data in seconds, and once it’s done, upgrade to Windows 10 without the risk of losing your photos, documents, and other files. If a crash does happen, you can easily restore your data from the cloud and be up and running again.
Download Windows 10 Worry-Free
Ready to experience Windows 10 with the security of cloud backup? Remove the risks posed by a crash altogether by backing up with IDrive today.