In case you missed them when they were originally released, we’re recapping some of the flattering reviews we’ve received recently. We truly appreciate the kind words from such reputable sources.
Here are some of the highlights:
PCWorld – 5/23/14
“If there’s online backup that could be called ‘full-service’ it’s venerable IDrive. Not only does IDrive provide traditional backup, real-time backup, file sharing, and syncing files across multiple PCs and devices (Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android), it’s one of the few services that still offers a free 5GB account.” – Jon L. Jacobi
Lifehacker – 3/27/14:
“IDrive offers some compelling features you don’t typically find elsewhere. You can set your own encryption key for your data, which means extra protection for both your backups and your synced folder. Also, the free IDrive Express service makes it faster to backup and retrieve your data: Upon request, IDrive will send you an external drive you can transfer up to 3 TB of data to; send it back and they’ll upload the data for you. You can similarly request a storage device to retrieve your data off of. I played with the service a bit this week and found backups to be quick and simple.” – Melanie Pinola
Wired – 11/25/13:
“Having tried my share of cloud-based backup services, I see the IDrive Express service as something that’s certainly worth the price. It’s convenient and easy, and it provides peace of mind. That you can backup multiple computers and devices adds to its appeal. It’s a common-sense solution to time-consuming online backups.” – Michael S. Lasky
Notebook Review – 11/8/13:
“IDrive is packed with useful features such as continuous backup, incremental backup, archiving, 256-bit encryption, and IDrive Express. It is a fully featured and easy-to-use online backup solution. We found it simple to set up IDrive on a PC and start a backup. The user interface in both the desktop application and the web browser are straightforward and concise. One of IDrive’s strongest features is incremental backups. IDrive checks all of the right boxes for a solid, fully featured online backup solution, and we’re happy to recommend it.” – Charles P. Jefferies
PCMagazine – 9/6/13:
“IDrive’s app, working together with its Web interface and apps for PCs, Macs, and Android devices, really does put you in control over what you want to back up and where and how you want to access and share it. All the interfaces are clear and pleasant, and the service offers definite advantages over iCloud and Gdrive. There’s a heck of a lot to like about IDrive: Since it does some things that none of the alternatives do, it earns a 4 out of 5 star rating and a PCM Editors’ Choice.” – Michael Muchmore
We’re always excited to share such positive feedback, as it fuels us to continue to consistently improve our service offering.