The rumor on campus is true, IDrive is now offering 50% off on all accounts (personal AND business level) to students, faculty, and schools/colleges/universities! You just need to sign up with a valid education domain based email address. Plus, the discount applies for the life of the account! That could be FOREVER, if you choose!
IDrive recently added business level accounts to its long standing discount aimed at students. Now benefiting educational institutions as well, IDrive works on all servers and operating systems (including Linux) and has cross-platform capabilities making data accessible on PCs, Macs, and mobile devices.
So, how else can IDrive help your educational organization?
1) With our business level accounts, any school, university, or educational institute can create a main account and add multiple sub-accounts that link to a single plan for simplified management. This type of cloud-based backup allows for remote management, allowing the main account to control the quota allocated to each sub-account, giving more space to departments that have more data. The main account can also monitor sub-account backups and view activity logs to ensure that backups are running efficiently. The sub-account feature works great for departments, like admissions and financial aid, that have a high volume of data to manage.
2) Our cloud-based data protection strategy also provides anywhere access, as long as there is internet connectivity, giving faculty and staff the ability to access the data in their accounts from a computer or mobile device outside the organization’s network. This would let a professor access files and notes from a personal laptop or iPad during a lecture. Sharing features also make it possible for teachers to send a file or folder directly to students via email for quick transfer of class notes or homework assignments, reducing the need for printing paper handouts.
Teachers and professors need to protect data too. If your school doesn’t yet offer a business level plan with sub-accounts, sign up for a personal account and you’ll still get 50% off with your school-based email address. What if an entire semester’s worth of lesson plans was lost? Imagine the time wasted, money spent, and frustration that would be avoided if you had a backup of all those critical files… waiting for you up in the IDrive cloud, ready to assist you in educating our future…
Which brings us to our Students! How can IDrive help you?
1) You don’t have time for term papers that accidentally get deleted or presentations that won’t open because of incompatible platforms. The excuse “my hard drive failed” and “my computer has a virus” are not going to cut it when you have an important project due. You need backups because accidents happen. You might leave your laptop at the library or your roommate could spill a beverage on your computer that has the thesis paper saved on it, which you have been working on for an entire semester… Things like this DO happen. But, if your data is backed up with IDrive, you can easily recover any of those files from your online account. You can restore them to a new computer or just go to the library, download the file you need from your account, print it, and turn it in ON TIME.
2) An online based backup is critical because it provides anywhere access. When your data is in the cloud, not only is it safe, it’s also available wherever there’s internet connectivity (no matter if it’s a PC, Mac, or a mobile device). Mobile access allows you to pull up class notes backed up to your account on your phone for some last minute studying as you walk to a final exam. You can even share files in your account with classmates to make collaboration on group projects easier.
We recognize how hard students work as well as the difficulty of paying for an education. We want to enhance the academic journey as well as reward the amazing faculty and staff that contribute to students’ scholastic careers. You guys worry about all that fun studying stuff and let us worry about making sure your files are safe. So, check out this great deal and then use that extra money you save on next semester’s textbooks. Or buy some new shoes. You have to have a little fun, too, on those short, but much-needed study breaks.