You may have heard the rumor train passing by, sounding the arrival of the IDrive Express:
a physical storage shipment service available for faster backup and simple retrieval of data, up to 1TB.
It’s making personal stops, right at your front door.
What does that mean for you?
No more waiting! No one likes standing in line at the grocery store, sitting in traffic, or waiting while that website page takes forever to load. And remember dial up service? That was painfully slow!
Now, everything is fast: Express services, One Touch apps, drive through windows, and high speed internet.
Until… you try to upload that large folder of files and are reminded just how slow the process can be. At IDrive, we understand that it’s frustrating to sit and wait while a backup runs. So, we found a solution: The IDrive Express.
What is IDrive Express?
IDrive Express is an enhanced service that uses a temporary storage device to upload large amounts of data directly to the cloud.
Who can use the IDrive Express service?
Anyone. It was originally created for businesses to provide a quick backup service for mass amounts of data. But, we realized, some of our users with Pro Personal accounts have huge amounts of data to backup, as well. So, we’re making the IDrive Express service available to everyone.
Why would I need the IDrive Express?
When you run a backup on your computer, it uses up internet bandwidth. The more data you attempt to backup, the more it clogs your bandwidth and the longer it takes, slowing the internet as well. If you have an extensive amount of data, you could be sitting around waiting for your backup to complete successfully for hours or days. Who has time (or patience) for that?
So, why not upload it directly to the server? That’s what IDrive Express is for.
How does it work?
1) All you have to do is fill out the form and IDrive will ship the temporary storage drive directly to your home.
2) Once you receive the drive, connect it to your computer (via the USB cord). Then use the backup software application that comes pre-installed on the drive. This avoids any internet use and cuts down on upload time.
3) When all of your files have been added to the drive, simply mail it back to IDrive.
4) Once we get the drive, we will upload your data directly to our servers. At that point, it will be available in your account and you can commence with incremental backups.
Is it secure?
Yes. IDrive Express is a completely secure service. All of your data is encrypted (using 256-bit AES encryption) during the backup process. You are also given the option for private key encryption which, if selected, ensures that no one will be able to access your data from the drive, not even the IDrive staff. Your data is uploaded to our servers with the private key encryption and remains secure and inaccessible throughout the entire transit process.
What about restoring my data?
The IDrive Express service can also be used for restoring your data. Just fill out the form and IDrive will ship your data to you one of our temporary drives. Once you receive it, you can restore your data to any computer by connecting the USB cable.
How much does it cost?
Pro Personal account users can take advantage of the IDrive Express service for $59.95. (This also includes the cost of return shipping.) This price applies to both data backup and retrieval. Pro Business account users can utilize this service (backup or retrieval) once a year for FREE, any services after that will be $59.95.
Need to backup a lot of data quickly?
Fill out the form and take a ride on the IDrive Express for guaranteed success!