We’ve been offering those with .edu or @k12.state.us email addresses up to 50% off on a Personal or Family IDrive plan. We’ve now added two new types of email addresses that are eligible for the discount!
Students, teachers and staff in New York City with @schools.nyc.gov and in the UK with .ac.uk addresses can now sign up for up to 50% off too!
Schools and universities often maintain elaborate, specialized networks to connect their staff to the many terabytes of research data and other digital assets they’ve compiled. Having a remote backup of that data is often a strict policy due to federal regulations such as HIPAA and Sarbanes-Oxley and with EVS, IT departments can build applications that fit their institutions specific needs using easy-to-implement APIs.
Faculty and staff can safeguard files with IDrive’s built-in private encryption key options which allows subscribers to protect their data with a user-defined phrase and with anytime/anywhere access to stored files via the web or mobile devices users are never left without their information at hand.
Some important features to note for students and teachers:
- Access documents and files from any PC, Mac, iOS or Android device
- Share files/folders with others, collaborate on presentations
- Files are always encrypted and private key encryption is available for maximum security
- Unlimited file retention and 30 past versions available for restore (versions are stored free)
- Continuous Data Protection for real-time backup of schoolwork, never lose a paragraph
- Top-notch network performance on the EVS cloud
- Live 24-hour support
IDrive is available for home and server editions of Windows and Mac OS X and for mobile devices in the Apple App Store and Android Market.
Questions? Comments? Send them to publicrelations@idrive.com.
Hoping you and your computer have a great day!
Stephen Gold, Business Development Manager | IDrive.com