I was recently visiting with my friend, Heather, at her home in Los Angeles. She’s a professional headshot and portrait photographer. We were talking about the Canon EOS 5D Mark II which had been featured in USA Today this week, CompactFlash memory cards and RAW data files.
She started telling me how beleaguered she was becoming with all of the photos she had accumulated over the years and was curious if I had any recommendations for what she could do to better manage her production and ensure a safe backup of all her work.
When I saw her office I could see what she meant by “beleaguered.” Her desk looked like a miniature data-center with a Mac Pro in the center connected to several USB hubs that linked countless external hard-drives, negative scanners, printers and pen tablets. She had placed a label on each hard drive so she could visually identify their contents because she said sometimes she had hard time finding files otherwise.
This was how she stored and backed up her files, all in one place – and it was kind of a mess. Her goals were to create an offsite backup of her photos and reduce the amount of hard drives she had at home since the bulk of the data she was holding onto was for old projects – she only needed access to her most recent work.
I gave her five great reasons IDrive would serve her well:
1. She could store 1TB for only $80/month and not have to worry about failing drives, warranties and setup.
2. IDrive uses “lossless” compression and encryption – meaning no risk to uncompressed photos.
3. IDrive is a true archive – meaning she can store data as long as she likes even if the data is no longer present on her computer – that’s real online storage.
4. She has full, 24-hour access from any web browser in the world by logging in to her account at IDrive.com – we also have mobile apps!
5. She can share any file/folder to anyone with and e-mail address.
It just took a few minutes to get her IDrive account setup and the software installed. I showed her how to select the drives she wanted to backup and we scheduled her backups to run nightly. A few days later she called me and let me know her backups had completed. She said she had eliminated three hard drives from her “data-center” and was happy to know her years of work were safely stored away in her IDrive. I love selling IDrive accounts to my friends!
Hoping you and your computer have a great day,
Stephen Gold, Business Development Manager | IDrive.com