Wow! Our users put together, are now securely protecting over 15 million GBs of photos, videos, music and documents! Many thousands are students and teachers from some of the most prestigious schools on Earth: Harvard, Standford, Yale, Columbia, Princeton, MIT. We thank you for choosing IDrive to protect your valuable notes and work.
In honor of the upcoming finals season we have started a limited time offer of up to 50% off our regularly low prices to students, faculty and staff with ‘.edu’ e-mail addresses. Get either our IDrive Personal or IDrive Family plan:
IDrive Personal: Store up to 150GBs from one PC or Mac for only $2.50/month or $24.75/year.
IDrive Family: Store up to 500GBs from up to five PCs or Macs for only $7.50/month or $74.75/year.
For those of you that are new to the IDrive family, a quick rundown of our service:
- IDrive is available for Windows and Mac – we also have access and backup apps for smart-phones.
- Although many online backup services are generally slow, you’ll find IDrive consistently outperforms others by up to 30% in upload/download speeds.
- IDrive features comprehensive web management tools no one else offers – you have access to your Backup Set, Schedule and logs from anywhere in the world via IDrive.com.
- IDrive is a “True Archive” – your files aren’t deleted from our servers after you delete them from your computer. What use is a backup that you can’t use to restore files you accidentally deleted?
- Our amazing “Time-Line Restore” tool enables you to restore all your files from a specific point in the past!
Our website, www.idrive.com, has more information. You can also e-mail your questions to publicrelations@idrive.com. For special offers, news and announcements follow us on Twitter and Facebook!
As always, have a wonderful day – S. Gold, Business Development Manager
[UPDATE 4/27/2011] IDrive for Education discounts are now available for those with k12.state.us e-mail addresses. Click here for more details!