Students, dentists, photographers, construction companies, musicians, sales people, programmers, gamers, moms and dads, whole families – they are all using IDrive to backup files that can’t be lost: dissertations, patient records, pictures, blueprints, MP3s, invoices, project files, saved games, the video of baby’s first steps.
Today we’d like to profile a few of our friends so you can see the kind of benefit they are getting from IDrive’s amazing service!

Richard R. – Illustrator and Visual Artist
Every day Richard creates stunning landscape and character illustrations. His artwork is done almost exclusively on his Mac and he uses IDrive for Mac to protect his art, music and all of his other important files. The feature Richard likes most about IDrive is the ability to backup his USB and Firewire hard drives:
“Most of my large art files are on my external drives. IDrive backs them up easily and because IDrive truly archives data my work will always be safe and sound no matter what happens to my computer or drives.”
Richard, thanks for using IDrive and for your amazing work!
Candice K. – Box Office Manager
Candice is the Box Office Manager for a small community playhouse, she is in charge of all the money that comes in as well as insuring her customers get their correct tickets. Her computer is the primary machine used for financial data, customer information and ticket database.
IDrive Online Backup is installed on the playhouse PC with Continuous Data Protection (CDP) activated. CDP is IDrive’s intelligent and real-time data protection tool that continually monitors the Backup Set for new changes.
As Candice works IDrive is backing up data quietly in the background. In the event of a disaster, Candice’s work will be minutes old – if not seconds – rather than hours. This is the power of IDrive.
Bill D. – Architect
Bill has owned his own architectural firm for over 15 years now and the amount of data him and his crew have developed over the years has become too big for the backup systems of yesteryear.
“We decided to start digitizing all of the work we had done on paper over the years so we could back them up as well. All those scanned images added to hundreds and hundreds of new GBs. IDrive backs up everything we’ve ever created for less than $1.40 per day, that’s a fifth of what we were paying per day for physical tape backups, and restoring from IDrive is easy as pie in comparison.”
Bill’s firm is advancing with the times. Physical backup takes too much time, costs too much money and takes too much effort. With IDrive, small businesses don’t just recover from disaster: they avoid it.